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How to perform elementary Date-Time calculations in Java 8
This quick Java Code tip shows how to perform the most commonly used and elementary Date-Time calculations viz. addition and subtraction of days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds and nanoseconds when working with the new Java 8 classes java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime and java.time.LocalDateTime.

Java 8 code to perform Date-Time Calculations
package com.javabrahman.java8.time;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.Month;
public class DateTimeCalculations {
  public static void main(String args[]){
    System.out.println("--------BASE LocalDate--------------");
    LocalDate baseDate = LocalDate.of(2016, Month.JANUARY, 1);
    System.out.println("Base Date: " + baseDate);
    //Plus-Minus Days
    System.out.println("--------PLUS-MINUS 10 DAYS--------");
    LocalDate tenDaysLater = baseDate.plusDays(10);
    System.out.println("Date after 10 days: " + tenDaysLater);
    LocalDate tenDaysPrior = baseDate.minusDays(10);
    System.out.println("Date before 10 days: " + tenDaysPrior);
    //Plus-Minus Weeks
    System.out.println("--------PLUS-MINUS 2 WEEKS-------");
    LocalDate twoWeeksLater = baseDate.plusWeeks(2);
    System.out.println("Date after 2 weeks: " + twoWeeksLater);
    LocalDate twoWeeksPrior = baseDate.minusWeeks(2);
    System.out.println("Date before 2 weeks: " + twoWeeksPrior);
    //Plus-Minus Months
    System.out.println("--------PLUS-MINUS 2 MONTHS-------");
    LocalDate twoMonthsLater = baseDate.plusMonths(2);
    System.out.println("Date after 2 months: " + twoMonthsLater);
    LocalDate twoMonthsPrior = baseDate.minusMonths(2);
    System.out.println("Date before 2 months: " + twoMonthsPrior);
    //Plus-Minus Years
    System.out.println("--------PLUS-MINUS 2 YEARS--------");
    LocalDate twoYearsLater = baseDate.plusYears(2);
    System.out.println("Date after 2 years: " + twoYearsLater);
    LocalDate twoYearsPrior = baseDate.minusYears(2);
    System.out.println("Date before 2 years: " + twoYearsPrior);

    System.out.println("\n--------BASE LocalTime--------------");
    LocalTime baseTime = LocalTime.of(10,00);
    System.out.println("Base Time: " + baseTime);
    //Plus-Minus Hours
    System.out.println("--------PLUS-MINUS 10 HOURS-------");
    LocalTime tenHoursLater = baseTime.plusHours(10);
    System.out.println("Time after 10 hours: " + tenHoursLater);
    LocalTime tenHoursPrior = baseTime.minusHours(10);
    System.out.println("Time before 10 hours: " + tenHoursPrior);
    //Plus-Minus Minutes
    System.out.println("--------PLUS-MINUS 20 MINS-------");
    LocalTime twentyMinsLater = baseTime.plusMinutes(20);
    System.out.println("Time after 20 mins: " + twentyMinsLater);
    LocalTime twentyMinsPrior = baseTime.minusMinutes(20);
    System.out.println("Time before 20 mins: " + twentyMinsPrior);

    System.out.println("\n----BASE LocalDateTime created out of baseDate & baseTime--");
    LocalDateTime baseDateTime=LocalDateTime.of(baseDate,baseTime);
    System.out.println("Base LocalDateTime: " + baseDateTime);
    System.out.println("--------PLUS 10 HOURS-------");
    LocalDateTime localDateTimePost10Hours = baseDateTime.plusHours(10);
    System.out.println("Date-Time after 10 hours: " + localDateTimePost10Hours);
    System.out.println("--------MINUS 2 DAYs-------");
    LocalDateTime localDateTime2DaysPrior = baseDateTime.minusDays(2);
    System.out.println("Date-Time before 2 days: " + localDateTime2DaysPrior);
 OUTPUT of the above code
--------BASE LocalDate--------------
Base Date: 2016-01-01
--------PLUS-MINUS 10 DAYS--------
Date after 10 days: 2016-01-11
Date before 10 days: 2015-12-22
--------PLUS-MINUS 2 WEEKS-------
Date after 2 weeks: 2016-01-15
Date before 2 weeks: 2015-12-18
--------PLUS-MINUS 2 MONTHS-------
Date after 2 months: 2016-03-01
Date before 2 months: 2015-11-01
--------PLUS-MINUS 2 YEARS--------
Date after 2 years: 2018-01-01
Date before 2 years: 2014-01-01

--------BASE LocalTime--------------
Base Time: 10:00
--------PLUS-MINUS 10 HOURS-------
Time after 10 hours: 20:00
Time before 10 hours: 00:00
--------PLUS-MINUS 20 MINS-------
Time after 20 mins: 10:20
Time before 20 mins: 09:40

----BASE LocalDateTime created out of baseDate & baseTime--
Base LocalDateTime: 2016-01-01T10:00
--------PLUS 10 HOURS-------
Date-Time after 10 hours: 2016-01-01T20:00
--------MINUS 2 DAYs-------
Date-Time before 2 days: 2015-12-30T10:00
Explanation of the code
  • java.util.LocalDate is Java8’s immutable date class without a timezone.
  • We create an instance of LocalDate, named baseDate, using the static of() method with the value 2016-January-01.
  • The toString() method of LocalDate, which is used extensively, prints the date value in 'uuuu-MM-dd' format.
  • LocalDate provides methods for adding days (plusDays()), weeks (plusWeeks()), months (plusMonths()) and years (plusYears()). Internally, these methods create a copy of the LocalDate object used to invoke these methods, adds the given number of days, weeks etc. and returns back the newly created LocalDate instance. The original instance remains unaffected by the addition operation.
  • Similar to addition methods, LocalDate provides subtraction methods - minusDays(), minusWeeks(), minusMonths() and minusYears() which like addition methods create a copy of the original LocalDate, perform the calculation and return back the newly created LocalDate object.
  • In the above code, addition and subtraction methods are invoked on the baseDate .
  • java.time.LocalTime class has a toString() method returning time in one of the following formats -
    • HH:mm
    • HH:mm:ss
    • HH:mm:ss.SSS
    • HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS
    • HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS
    Where, HH is hours, mm is minutes, ss is seconds and SS is for nanoseconds and is in varying length depending on accuracy required.
    Note - toString() method prints the shortest format possible depending on the constituent values provided while creating the object. The remaining constituents are assumed to be zero and not printed.
  • In the above code we create an instance of LocalTime, named baseTime, using the static of() method by passing the hour and minute values to it.
  • Next we add and subtract hours and minutes from the baseTime using the plusHours(), minusHours(), plusMinutes() and minusMinutes() methods. All of these methods return new LocalTime instances after creating a copy of the original LocalTime instances on which the methods are invoked.
    Note - There are 4 more methods - plusSeconds(), minusSeconds(), plusNanos() and minusNanos() which I have not shown above but can be used for second and nanosecond manipulations.
  • Next we create a java.time.LocalDateTime instance using the static method of() to which we pass the earlier created baseDate and baseTime instances to initialize the object.
  • LocalDateTime class has a toString() method returning local time in one of the following formats -
    • uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm
    • uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
    • uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
    • uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS
    • uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS
    Where, uuuu is years, MM is months, dd is days, HH is hours, mm is minutes, ss is seconds and SS is for nanoseconds.
    Note - toString() method prints the shortest format possible depending on the constituent values provided while creating the object. The remaining constituents are assumed to be zero and not printed.
  • LocalDateTime provides addition and subtraction methods which are a union of the methods provided by LocalDate and LocalTime. All these methods return a new copy with the required arithmetical manipulations done.
  • I have shown two of the methods - plusHours() and minusDays(). You can try the remaining methods as well.